Thursday, July 14, 2011


Here's a little montage I put together of the process of creating HARREY PODDER: Say the Magic Word.
If give you a little idea of what goes into the planning and execution of a short.
I'd love to hear from you and know what you think.


  1. GREAT JOB on this David! I really enjoyed this. I love your style and the animation is really awesome. I'm an animator at Blue Sky, and it is so cool you were able to do this on your own time while at Dreamworks. You definitely inspired me to try my hand at something like this.


  2. Great as usual! Hopefully, someone at Pottermore will see this and hire you to make a series of Harry cartoons...that would be great. Mike Gauley

  3. Hello, really amazing, truly inspiring and I hope that someday I will be able to even make something half as good as this... Could you please tell me wich software you use? Great job and thanks in advance!
    Btw, awesome tablet:D

  4. I was just wondering what software you use for animating? I'd really like to know. thanks in advance.

  5. I used Toonboom Animate
    There are educational versions all the way up to full professional versions. I used the middle one. TOONBOOM ANIMATE 2

    I love it.
    I painted the backgrounds in Photoshop.

  6. Fantastic !! Wonderful and funny.A few questions,...

    - What was that "The white man's magic"trick that you used to create the glow around the heads when you traced them? Does Toonboom do that? Craaaaazy man.

    --Does Toonboom allow you to seperate the planes in 3-d , or did you recomposite in After Effects?

    ---How long did it take to do that short? Thts alot of work? Super impressive?
